Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Absent parenting Essay Example

Absent parenting Essay Absent parenting has lead to the mass media parenting the youth of our society. Media has played a major role in people’s lives for a very long time. Society is influenced by T. V. , radio, newspapers, along with many other things that cause the influence to spread out to our society, especially to the youth. With technology being what it is today, the media has a number of ways to influence us at a much quicker rate. While it’s necessary to have the exposure to learn and gain knowledge of today’s views, it’s also necessary to have a basis to control or restrict unnecessary information to avoid contamination of the minds of our younger generations. Mass media causes adolescents to act in violent ways and have aggressive behaviors. A lot of media sources such as videos games and television have very aggressive characteristics. Video games such as Call of Duty and television shows such as The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are one of many media influences that impact our youth in a negative way. This type of media features sexual behaviors, realistic violence, and all around uncomfortable imagery and has been around since the early days of broadcasting. Opinions expressed by the media affect everyone. Children might not be able to filter what is opinion and what is an actual fact. Kevin D Browne and Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis discusses in their article, The influence of violent media on children and adolescents: a public-health approach,â€Å"In the USA an average of 20–25 violent acts are shown in children’s television programs each hour, with an average of three to five violent acts during prime-time television viewing. High exposure to television has been assumed to be likely to lead to high exposure to television violence. A significant association was reported between the amount of time spent watching television during adolescence and early adulthood (with accompanying probable exposure to violence) and the likelihood of subsequent antisocial behavior, such as threatening aggression, assault or physical fights resulting in injury, and robbery. We will write a custom essay sample on Absent parenting specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Absent parenting specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Absent parenting specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This association remained significant after controlling for previous aggression, childhood neglect, family income, neighborhood violence, parental education, and psychiatric disorders, although rates of actual violence watched were not measured. The second US study with a cohort of 557 children, also provided longitudinal evidence, but the investigators looked specifically for a link between children’s exposure to television violence and aggressive behavior in young adulthood. Children aged 6 to 9 years in late 1977 were followed up 15 years later. Structural equation modeling showed that childhood exposure to media violence was predictive of aggressive behavior in early adulthood in both men and women, even when controlling for socioeconomic status, intelligence quotient, and various parenting factors (eg, parental viewing habits and aggressive behavior). Identification with aggressive television characters and perceived realism of television violence also predicted later aggression† (Browne, Hamilton-Giachritsis). In comparison some of society’s reaction to this could be that kids can handle watching these shows or playing these games without being influenced by them, media is not going to influence them in any way. The argument isn’t that all children are going to become deviant because of media, but logically, children do tend to intimidate others, good or bad. Some shows are even to inappropriate for adults to watch at times. It almost comes to question who some of this media was created to entertain? At times this question could be rather unclear. Another issue with the media and adolescents is the peer pressure of becoming sexually active earlier. Many parents believe that if you don’t talk to your kids about sex, they won’t become sexually active, that’s not true. That’s why it’s important that parents are present to explain what is right and wrong to mirror off of in society. If kids aren’t educated about sex from their parents then they are going to learn more about it either from T. V. , peers, the internet, etc. Today it’s rather hard to find anything in media without some form of sex involved in the concept. It makes it seem normal for those younger to engage in sexual relations. Whether it’s being portrayed as being the thing to do or a rebellious act, it intrigues young people. Adolescents look to the media as a source for info on sexuality and relations. Popular T. V. shows such as Jersey Shore or Teen Mom and magazines such as Seventeen are a few in many media influences that describe sex as one of the first steps of growing up. It isn’t hard for a child to turn on the T. V. or press an accidental ad on the internet to get a quick peak at a sexually scene, its safe to say that sexuality and violence are easy to access nowadays. The media is an everyday part of our youth’s lives. Although some try to avoid the media, it isn’t really possible to do so as the media comes in different forms. Laura M. Carpenter states in her article â€Å"Mass media plays a major role in transmitting cultural scenarios for sexuality. Media images typically reflect the prevailing values and behaviors of the societies in which they are created and, in turn help reproduce those values and behaviors† (Carpenter). In contrast another argument could be that adolescents are becoming more sexually active because of other things, not the media. Not everyone is influence by what they see, but some actions are easily looked at and idolized to the point that people intimidate those actions, such as a clothing or hair style. In other words, â€Å"Everybody’s doing it. † The only bad thing about negative influences is that they only seem to show you the good in yours actions, but never like to share the bad things that could happen; bad things such as going to jail for beating up another person, or catching a deadly disease or getting pregnant from having sex. That’s why it’s important for the parents to inform the child on what is the right and wrong things to do, because then they can tell them what comes along with the actions they choose to make. To go along with the other contaminating influences that mass media perceives is also the view on body imagery. It’s not uncommon for both boy and girls to be self-conscious about their bodies. This begins at an early age with action figures being well built â€Å"hero† types and dolls for girls having perfect hour glass frames. They see all the beautiful bodies on society’s â€Å"perfect† men and woman in magazines and on television and believe these are characteristics someone would have to do in order to be considered â€Å"good looking. †Ã‚   Jennifer L. Derrene discusses in her article how â€Å"The current media culture is complicated and very confusing. Women are told that they can and should â€Å"have it all. † They expect family, career, and home to be perfect, and Martha Stewart tells them how to do it. The media inundates them with mixed messages about what is sexy, making it difficult to choose a role model. The heroin chic waif made popular by Kate Moss in the early 1990s competes with the voluptuous Baywatch babe personified by Pamela Anderson and the athletic soccer stars who celebrated a World Cup victory by tearing their shirts off. Though it is highly unlikely for a rail-thin woman to have natural DD-cup size breasts, toy manufacturers set this expectation by developing and marketing the Barbie doll, whose measurements are physiologically impossible. Thankfully, Barbie’s designers revamped her figure back in the late 1990s. However, with increased availability of plastic surgery, today’s women are faced with similarly unrealistic expectations every time they open a fashion magazine† (Derenne). Eating disorders are one good example of the effect the media could have on our youth. Derrene also notes â€Å"Although fewer men meet criteria for anorexia and bulimia than do women, more men are becoming concerned with shape and weight. While some of the manifestations are similar to the disordered eating found in women, there are some important differences as well† (Derenne). It isn’t uncommon to use people that are shown on television, movies or on the Internet as role models or â€Å"heroes† and obsess over their images. Although others might argue it’s the peers they are surrounded by that impact the images and dissatisfactions kids have on their own bodies. Its true peers do tend to bully the â€Å"nerdy† or â€Å"chubby† kid but kids learn what â€Å"good looking† and â€Å"cool† is from the media that they’re exposed to. Peer pressure can lead to experimentation with drugs and alcohol, sex, etc. As discussed earlier media is a big part of our youth’s everyday lives and it’s hard to not be impact by the images that are seen today. That’s why it’s important for parents to ensure that all family members are getting a healthy dinner, parents have the opportunity to learn about children’s school life, and the family can brainstorm together when problems arise. Another issue with media is the argument that has been discussed for a very long time, and that is how fairytales give our youth â€Å"false hope. † Since a very young age children are impacted by the expectation that society holds on us. For girls, in order to find your â€Å"prince† or â€Å"knight in shining armor,† you must have an hour glass frame and long beautiful hair. For boys, in order to get that beautiful girl you must be rich or good looking and strong. Children are never told that these movies are not realistic and that fairytales like these don’t exist. The reality is that things like that dont happen, with exceptions of course. It’s almost like we’re setting our youth up for failure. Kids need to be told that they don’t have to be in distress, blond, skinny, rich, or strong to find love. Lori Baker-Sperry describes in her article, The Production of meaning through Peer Interaction: Children and Walt Disney’s Cinderella â€Å"Children appropriate messages and meanings from the world of adults and filter them through their own understanding and experiences. Children’s responses to social messages indicate their ability to understand and make meaning of the social world. This does not occur simply as the child’s reaction to social messaging, however. The process of interpretation is most effectively negotiated at the level of interaction where understanding is conceptualized, organized, and reaffirmed through peer identity† (Baker-Sperry). With all that in mind, you might be starting to think that fairy tales are bad for our children. This is not the point of the argument however, but rather to address some of the potential negative impacts of the stories. People have been debating for quite some time whether or not fairy tales have a positive or a negative effect on children. Fairytales are positive because they advance children’s imaginations However, the negative aspects do at times outweigh the positive. People who disagree with this argument could also say that fairy tales are made for children to be happy; they understand the difference between fact and fiction. Although fairy tales do make children happy, sometimes it is hard to distinguish the difference between the two. That’s why it’s important for parents for parents to be present so they can tell them what to believe and what not to believe. Overall, media has gotten to the point where it’s almost overriding parenting. Children are becoming more receptive to media influences than having ideal role models such as their parents. It’s understandable that it’s difficult for parents to keep children occupied with such busy schedules, which could mean that is also difficult to monitor what their children are viewing. Although movies, music, magazines, and so on, can inspire positively, the power of todays media and entertainment tend to negatively influence behavior in our society. Consider the attitudes of disrespect among youth toward adults and the use of profanity into everyday vocabulary, which can simply be picked up from commercials. Linda Schuchmann describes in her article, The Importance of Role Modeling for Our Children, â€Å"While children do indeed look to the media for role models, parents still have a tremendous amount of influence in their children’s lives. To increase their influence, parents need to limit the amount of time kids spend watching television and videos and increase the time children spend with them. Children are more likely to imitate parents if parents spend time with them. In addition, parents should be very intentional about what they role model for their children† (Schuchmann). It’s important that parents are always good role models for their children, if your children see you acting in a negative way they’re going to most likely mirror you’re actions. Sometimes kids mirroring others behaviors tells the parent and others who the child is picking up their behavior from. Everybody when they were little all had someone that they looked up to. Even today, as an adult there is someone you admire in some way. These people were and are our role models. Role models give people motivation to go after and hopefully achieve what we want. That’s why it’s important to help make sure that parents are being positive role models to their children. It’s also important that parents share their values with their children, which means that parents should talk to their children about where you stand on issues such as drugs, sex, etc. Also, parents should show their children that the parents are confident and happy with who they’re. Children need to see that their parents have good self-esteem. If children see their parents are happy with whom they are, then they are more likely to be happy with whom they are. Another important role to teach is the importance of being independent. Again, children are going to most likely mirror what their parent’s reactions to situations are, if your child sees their parents stressed out or angry and the parent handles the situation by punching something or screaming , then the child is going to think it’s okay to do that as well. If parents are too busy to constantly be there to monitor what their child is doing, then look for positive role models to introduce into the child’s life. Maybe there is someone that shares a common interest with the child. It’s not difficult to find positive role models. Parents are the best example that their child could ask for. Parents could disagree with this argument by saying it’s easier said than done and it’s nearly impossible to monitor what their children are doing at all times. Although it is true that it’s hard to constant monitor your children, there are ways to make sure they don’t have access to certain materials. Parents could put locks on inappropriate channels and websites to make sure their children don’t have access to such material. As for as friends go, the parents could get to know the parents of their children’s friends and make sure to discuss what is their child is allowed to have access to so their child is less likely to be exposed to negative influences. It’s extremely important that parents constantly reinforce at home what the positive role models outside of the home are teaching their children; so that way children know the right and wrong in our society and are less likely to make poor decisions, such as why it’s important to be successful in school and why it’s important to be yourself no matter what others are doing. Being the best you, you can be is the best advice parents could give to their children. It’s clear that children are influenced by media in so many different aspects. By parents being absent whether the cause is from working a lot or just being neglectful, is causing children to look elsewhere for guidance. By looking for guidance in others causes children to be impacted negatively. A lot of media is causing adolescents to be influenced and advanced in things that they should not be influenced by; things such as sex, self-consciousness from media and peers, and drugs. By parents not teaching their children the difference between right and wrong causes them to think that anything they do is acceptable, even if it’s not. In most cases growing up, children are going to look to their parents or guardian for guidance. If a child see’s their guardian or whoever they’re around do things such as fight, do drugs, drink, etc. then they’re going to mirror what that person is doing. A good example of this could be a child living in the urban community, if they grow up around drug dealers and gangs they’re going to grow up wanting to be just like that, it’s not because they think it’s cool, but rather it’s the only life they know. This goes to show why it’s important that parents should teach their children morals and values. Children are dependent on their parents to provide for them, providing goes along with teaching children about morals and values. By children having values this helps them to grow up to be stable, responsible individuals. As soon as children begins to understand the concept of right and wrong is around the time the children should be taught about morals and values. By parents being present in their child’s life they have a responsibility to guide their children in making good decisions in friends, media, culture, and social issues. If a child is exposed to negative media then it would only be right to explain to the children what the meaning of these things mean, and what is the right way to go upon handling situations like this. Again, children are going to mirror what others do, if a parent decides to cuss a lot around their child and the child decides to talk with such obscenity, they are only going off of what the parent is showing them what is okay to do. It’s important that parents are present in their children’s lives because we have to teach our youth the right way to live, so that they can grow up to be responsible adults. If our youth is taught to look for guidance from role models who do activities that they should not being doing, then they’re only going to think that it’s right to do the same. If children aren’t taught that everyone is different and as long as you think you’re beautiful then nothing else matters, then our youth will all grow up thinking that they have to look like the people they see in the media, when in reality we all know that’s unrealistic. In our present day we cannot get very far with our education, whether that education is from home or from school we all must learn how to live and to be successful in this society. The older generations have much to teach our younger generations. Children grow into adults and usually live according to the way they were raised, whether they were negatively or positively influenced. At the end of the day media is still going to be a big part of our society and children are always going to be peer pressured. I wish our society was perfect and everyone got along, but that’s really unrealistic. Like Mahatma Gandhi said â€Å"Be the change you wish to see in the world. †

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cartilaginous Fish - Chondrichthyes - Profile

Cartilaginous Fish - Chondrichthyes - Profile Cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) are a group of vertebrates that includes sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras. Members of this group include the largest and most formidable marine predators alive today such as the great white shark and the tiger shark as well as large filter feeders such as the manta ray, whale shark and basking shark. Cartilaginous fishes have a skeleton that consists  of cartilage (in contrast to their cousins the bony fish, whose skeletons are made up of true bone). Cartilage is both tough and flexible and it  provides sufficient  structural support to enable cartilaginous fishes to grow to considerable size. The largest living cartilaginous fish is the  whale shark  (about 30 feet long and 10 tons). The largest known cartilaginous fish ever to have lived is  Megalodon  (about 70 feet long and 50-100 tons). Other large cartilaginous fish include the manta ray (about 30 feet long) and the basking shark (about 40 feet long and 19 tons). Small cartilaginous fishes include the short-nose electric ray (about 4 inches long and weighs 1 pound), the starry skate (about 30 inches long), the pale catshark (about 8 inches long) and the dwarf lantern shark (about 7 inches long). Cartilaginous fishes is that they have jaws, paired fins, paired nostrils and a two-chambered heart. They also  have tough skin that is covered with small  tooth-like scales called denticles. Denticles are similar to teeth in many ways. The core of a denticle consists of a  pulp cavity that receives blood flow for nourishment. The pulp cavity is capped with a cone-shaped layer of dentine. The denticle sits on top of a basal plate which overlies the dermis. Each denticle is covered with an enamel-like substance. Most cartilaginous fishes live in marine habitats all their lives, but a few species of sharks and rays live in freshwater during all or part of their lives. Cartilaginous fishes are carnivorous and most species feed on live prey. There are some species that feed on the remains of dead animals and still others that are filter feeders. Cartilaginous fishes first appear in the fossil record about 420 million years ago during the Devonian Period.  The earliest known cartilaginous fishes were ancient sharks that were descended from bony-skeleton placoderms. These primitive sharks are older than the dinosaurs. They swam in the world’s oceans 420 million years ago, 200 million years before the first dinosaurs appeared on land. Fossil evidence for sharks is plentiful but consists mostly of tiny remnants of the former fish- teeth, scales, fin spines, bits of calcified vertebra, fragments of cranium. Extensive skeletal remains of sharks are missing- cartilage does not fossilize like true bone. By piecing together the shark remains that do exist, scientists have uncovered a diverse and deep ancestry. Sharks of the past include ancient creatures such as Cladoselache and Ctenacanths. These early sharks were followed by Stethacanthus and Falcatus, creatures that lived during the Carboniferous Period, in a window of time referred to as the â€Å"Golden Age of Sharks†, when shark diversity blossomed to include 45 families. During the Jurassic Period, there was Hybodus, Mcmurdodus, Paleospinax and eventually the Neoselachians. The Jurassic Period also saw the emergence of the first batoids: the skates and rays. Later came the filter feeding sharks and rays, the hammerhead sharks, and the lamnoid sharks (great white shark, megamouth shark, basking shark, sandtiger, and others). Classification Cartilaginous fishes are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Chordates Vertebrates Cartilaginous Fishes Cartilaginous fishes are divided into the following basic groups: Sharks, rays, and skates (Elasmobranchii) - There are about 800 species of sharks, rays, and skates alive today. Members of this group are known as elasmobranchs.Chimaeras (Chimaeriformes) - There are about 50 species of chimaeras alive today. Members of this group are also known as ghost sharks, spooksharks, or rabbit fish.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why do you think Humanities courses are required Essay

Why do you think Humanities courses are required - Essay Example Additionally, by understanding the shortcomings of worldviews that have been tried and failed, we are given adequate warning about the fate of many similar ideals that might be practiced within our own lifetimes. By understanding the nuances of the past and the reasons why the past has given way to the present we are able to better understand how and why we are where we are today. Additionally, humanities (as their very name implies) gives us a full and complete picture of the human condition; replete with all of its rationality and irrationality. Unlike the hard sciences, humanities teach us that human nature is a fluid and liquid ideal that can be molded and bent to the will of powerful leadership dynamics for both good and bad purposes. This in turn reminds us that the way in which we study and understand the humanities is directly linked to how well we will be able to determine our own future for ourselves and our

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Media or america Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media or america - Essay Example Because the constant repetition of ideas in a society can easily lead to hegemony of values and cultural expression, it is important to be vigilant as to the effect of media in daily life and the way that it shapes concepts of self-identity. The effect of mass-media is found in all modern education systems and entertainment activities for the majority of society. In many instances, such as public opinion polls, marketing, and commercial advertising campaigns, nationalism and patriotism are used in branding a product for consumption. But more commonly, America knows that when it comes to advertising, sex appeal sells products best. Yet, advertising can also be important in building self-identity patterns that are unrealistic or unhealthy for individuals to relate to personally. For example, women are typically shown in contemporary media representations with an unconventional, ultra-thin body as the ideal body type. Similarly, men are built with broad shoulders, enormous muscles, and zero percent body fat. This creates an expectation in the individual to shape his personal appearance to be comparable to that of a male or female superhero in order to gain acceptance. When visualizing this type of sex appeal personally, people often try to be accepted in society by imitating this â€Å"ideal image,† despite the fact that is first posited by the commercial stereotype. The â€Å"ideal image† leads to the striving for perfection in what is considered physically beautiful in the culture or society at large, but the problem is that this system also simultaneously and implicitly values the ideal above all others. The advertising in mass-media of today exposes American society repeatedly to an ideal body image and creates the idea that the individual must meet these standards. When the ideal is adopted individually, negative outcomes may occur such as eating disorders, depression, obsession, and low self-esteem. Following this paradigm, it is clear that oth er mental health problems can potentially arise from the internal conflict between media patterns of approved or applauded identity and the Self’s own reality and experience. Thus, the media environment to a great degree determines the education and sustenance of an individual mentally and spiritually in today’s world, as well as being the means by which a person searches for and establishes their own personal identity or sense of Self. Complex images on how women and men should grow up to look like are introduced at the earliest ages of human development. For example, children at the age of five are often given influences in the form of toy dolls known as the â€Å"Barbies† or â€Å"G.I. Joe† action figures in America. The Barbie and G.I. Joe dolls are designed based on a body image that is impractical, creating an almost fanatical impression which drives subconsciously the way people believe adults should appear and dress. Barbie’s measurements a re nearly physically impossible for most women to achieve physically, but they are learned to be desired. Society needs to provide healthier and more realistic social models to children during their formative years of education and mind development.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Case Study for Canady vs Walmart Essay Example for Free

Case Study for Canady vs Walmart Essay 1. In your own words, what does pretext mean? Pretext is a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason. 2. Write a paragraph that supports the argument that Canady’s dismissal was based on racial discrimination. Canady’s would say that his dismissal was based on racial discrimination because Smith a manager introduced himself as a slave driver. Next Smith, ask Canady â€Å"What’s up, my nigga?† and was also referred to as a â€Å"lawn jockey†. He also claimed that Smith made states that all African American look alike, and that his skin color wiped off on towels. Since Canady did not report these comments when Smith made them; Smith continued to use the phase from the Rush Hour movie. He could also believe that the day we was left in the department by himself that management was discriminating against him because he was left to do all the work with no help. 3. Write a paragraph that supports that argument that Wal-Mart’s decision was based on Canady’s insubordination. Wal-Mart’s decision was based on insubordination for one Canady was eating in an area where there are policies in place that prohibits easting in the food preparation area. When asked to stop eating in the prohibited area Canady started an argument with management. After the store manager was called to help with the situation Canady continued argue loudly in front of customers and other associates. Candy did not follow the policy that does not allow employees to eat in the food preparation area and he was arguing with management in front of other was insubordination. 4. Research the case. How did the court rule? Why did they rule in this manner? The wrongful termination claim, that claim fails to make out a prima facie case in that Canady failed to establish the fourth prong (i.e. that there are facts that permit an inference of discrimination). Alternatively, even if Canady made out a prima facie case, he failed to present sufficient evidence of pretext. The fact that Smith made racially offensive remarks is of no consequence because those remarks were made outside of the decision making process. The ruling on the hostile work environment claim, the Court found that Smith’s comments are not sufficiently offensive to the actionable. The Circuit Judge Lay dissents.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Project Report In Executives Salaries Commerce Essay

The Project Report In Executives Salaries Commerce Essay Are CEOs overpaid? Many people think so and many potential causes have been identified such as too much power, inattentive boards of directors, conflicts of interest by compensation consultants, the use of stock options and the list goes on. Some studies show that the average CEO was paid $10 million to $15 million in 2005. This includes their salary, bonus, stock option gains, stock grants and various executive benefits and prerequisites ( We now look at the highest 10 paid jobs in UK and find not surprisingly that Company CEOs are right there at the top of the list by a huge pay difference when compared with others high in the list. 10 Highest paid UK jobs June 2009 Company CEO/Directors  £171,509 Doctors  £81,744 Brokers  £80,233 Financial Managers Chartered Secretaries  £79,545 Civil Servants (Senior)  £71,824 Aircraft Pilots Flight Engineers  £61,585 Management Consultants/Economists  £52,505 Lawyers, Judges Coroners  £51,579 Police Officers (Inspector and above)  £51,487 Managers (Marketing and Sales)  £50,575 ( Source : ) Research Question What factors affect chief executive officer salaries? The files CEOSAL1.RAW and CEOSAL2.RAW are data sets that have various firm performance measures as well as information such as tenure and education. Compared with CEOSAL1.RAW, the second data set contains more information about the CEO, rather than about the company is included (Wooldridge, 2008). In the dataset, Wooldridge took a random sample of data reported in the May 6, 1991 issue of Businessweek. Literature Review In context of current financial crisis, CEO compensation has been a major subject of discussion among businessmen and academics since early 1920s (McKnight et al., 2000). How high should be the compensation, what is the relationship between CEO pay and his abilities, what is the correlation between CEO compensation and companys performance? We have chosen the topic due to its obvious relevance with current financial situation. During the literature review we found a number of empirical articles, exploring various aspects of CEO compensation. McKnight et al (2000) in CEO age and Top Executive Pay: A UK Empirical Study examines the implication of CEO age on managerial pay. They promote four hypotheses: The positive relationship between CEO pay and age The positive relationship between company size and CEO compensation, however it would weaken with the increase of CEO age The relationship between company performance and CEO salary would weaken with increasing age of CEO The relationship between company performance and CEO incentive pay would be positive and would strengthen with increase of CEO age They have explored over 100 UK companies and not only considered CEO pay but have divided it into salary, performance bonuses and share options in order to obtain clearer results. McKnight et al (2000) have concluded that relationship between CEO age and their bonuses appeared to be non-linear. The data did not support Hypothesis 3 and 4, although Hypothesis 1 and 2 were proved by the data. The practical implication of their research suggests that board members considering CEO pay should take into account the age, family and financial circumstances of the CEO, especially if CEO age is about 53 years, as it is an inflection point on curvilinear association of the effect of CEO age on bonus. This conclusion highlights the different aspect of CEO pay, whereas in earlier research McKnight (1996) examined 200 UK firms and found that performance and firm size are the important predictors of executive remuneration. Rose and Shepard (1997) in Firm diversification and CEO compensation: managerial ability or executive entrenchment? explored empirical association between CEO pay and a number of different firm characteristics, such as size and performance. They have also considered CEO personal abilities and characteristics, however the major focus of their research was on correlation between CEO pay and company diversification. They conclude that firm diversification in most cases does not benefit stockholders by increasing company value, but might only benefit the decision makers. Rose and Shepard (1997) admit that such conclusion is controversial and required further empirical research. Rose and Shepard (1997) considered firm diversification as one important determinant of CEO compensation. Investigating the relationship between CEO compensation and firm diversification over 1985-1990, they found that the CEO of a firm with two lines of business averages 13% more in salary and bonus than the CEO of a similar-sized but undiversified firm, ceteris paribus. The term Ceteris Paribus means that all other relevant factors held fixed or constant (Morris, 2008). In the later paper of Van Putten and Bout (2008), the relationship between CEO compensation and company performance has been stressed and their research was made during financial crisis and therefore might be more relevant in todays economic situation. Deckop (1988) analyse data from 120 firms in 1977-81 to show that CEOs were not given an incentive through compensation to increase the size of the firm at the expense of profit which is contrary to the findings of some other studies. Rather, CEO compensation was positively related to profit as a percentage of sales. The market equity value of the firm and the CEOs age and years of service as a CEO had a little effect on compensation (Deckop, 1988). Wright, Kroll and Elenkov (2002) provide us with a theoretical argument that the effect of acquisition-related factors on CEO compensation is contingent upon the intensity of monitoring activities. In firms with vigilant monitors, returns will explain changes in CEO compensation while in firms with passive monitors, increased corporate size due to an acquisition will explain compensation changes. They found support for their hypothesis in a sample of 171 acquisitions over the 1993-98 time period. Various researchers have come up to different conclusions exploring factors affecting CEO pay, therefore we have found this question interesting and we would consider the data from Cengage database and look for some other factors, affecting CEO compensation. Data Description The data has been downloaded from CEngage Learning which has online data sets for Wooldridges Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach ( It contains two data sets namely CEOSAL1.RAW and CEOSAL2.RAW. CEOSAL2.RAW, the second data set contains more information about the CEO, rather than about the company as in case of CEOSAL1.RAW. The Table below describes the variables in the data sets CEOSAL1 and CEOSAL2. These two data sets were merged to give one final data set namely CEOSAL3.DTA. The variable description for the final data set CEOSAL3 can be found in the Appendix. Variable Descriptions for CEOSAL1 Salary Annual salary (including bonuses) in 1990 (in thousands) $ Sales Firm sales in 1990 (in millions) $ Roe Average return on equity, 1988-90 (in percent) Pcsal Percentage change in salary, 1988-90 Pcroe Percentage change in roe, 1988-90 Indust = 1 if an industrial company, 0 otherwise Finance = 1 if a financial company, 0 otherwise Consprod = 1 if a consumer products company, 0 otherwise Util = 1 if a utility company, 0 otherwise Ros Return on firms stocks 1988-90 Lsalary Natural log of salary Lsales Natural log of sales Variable Descriptions for CEOSAL2 Salary Annual salary (including bonuses) in 1990 (in thousands) $ Age Age in Years College = 1 if attended college, 0 otherwise Grad = 1 if attended graduate school, 0 otherwise Comten Years with Company Ceoten Years as CEO with Company Sales Firm sales in 1990 (in millions) $ Profits Firm Profits in 1990 (in millions) $ Mktval Market Value (in millions) $, end 1990 Lmktval Natural log of mktval Lsalary Natural log of salary Lsales Natural log of sales Comtensq comten^2 (company tenure squared) Ceotensq ceoten^2 (ceo tenure squared) Profmarg profits as % of sales Data Analysis We used regression analysis to look out the factors that affect chief executive officer salaries. We chose a multivariate model because most variables cannot be explained by a single variable and estimations based on a single explanatory variable may lead to biased coefficients (Baum, 2006). A multivariate model allows for ceteris paribus analysis and we can avoid the missing variable bias. We used Stata 10 for the regression analysis of the data set. The data sets namely CEOSAL1.DTA and CEOSAL2.DTA were combined to get a single data set CEOSAL3.DTA. The merging of data sets was possible because the variable salary and sales were common to both data sets and this was necessary to come up with a single equation. The data set CEOSAL1.DTA in memory was appended with CEOSAL2.DTA on disk using the append datasets option in Stata 10 by clicking on Data tab and selecting combine datasets option. Econometric Methodology The methodology is econometric as statistical tool (Stata 10) was used to address economic issues. The analysis is based on observational (non-experimental) data. We then derive a relationship from economic theory or come up with an equation that serves us as an econometric model. lsalary = 4.78 (.51) + .191 (.04) lsales + .083 (.06) lmktval + .017 (.005) ceoten .094 (.079) grad .065 (.23) college .01 (.003) comten + I + u where lsalary = dependent variable, regressand; lsales / lmktval / ceoten / grad / college / comten = explanatory variables, regressor ; u = error term / disturbance; I = dummy / dichotomous variable for Industry ; 4.78 = intercept parameter, .19 / .08 / .017 / -.09 / -.06 / -.01 = population / slope parameters and the respective standard errors are shown in brackets and the bold variables represent that the variable is statistically significant in the data. In the above equation as the dependent variable is also in natural logarithm, the natural log of the explanatory variable gives us elasticity. Elasticity is the percentage change in one variable given a 1% ceteris paribus increase in another variable (Wooldridge, 2008). So, the coefficients of lsales and lmktval give us the elasticity i.e the percentage increase in the dependent variable when the explanatory variable is increased by 1% ceteris paribus. For example, a 1% unit increase in lsales will account for approximately 19% increase in lsalary and similarly a 1% unit increase in lmktval will account for approximately 8% increase in lsalary. Interpretation The t-statistic or t-ratio is defined as the coefficient of the variable divided by its standard error (Wooldridge, 2008). If the numerical value of t-statistic or t-ratio is greater than 2 i.e |t| >2, then the variable is statistically significant. In the data after running the regression analysis, we find the t-ratio of lsales, ceoten, comten and the constant ( y intercept parameter) to satisfy the above inequality [ |t| >2 ] and hence these variables can be declared as statistically significant. The R square for the model is 0.355 ( approximately 36% ) which is moderate as a high R square does not necessarily imply a better model as the coefficient can be misleading at times. However, it is a good starting point and generally bigger R square is good. We get the constant ( y intercept ) to be statistically significant as this would allows us to make an idea of the basic salary of CEO even when sales, profits and market value is down because the CEO gets paid his basic salary, rega rdless of the firm making profits or losses. Critical Analysis With reference to our group presentation and the video reported by ABC News, NewYork which showed that CEOs average annual bailout is $ 13.7 million and average wage earner earns $ 31, 589. This is almost 436 times the salary of an average wage earner which seems to raise few questions and a debate over whether CEOs are overpaid ( ). This then raises the point that no survey of executive compensation is complete without the discussion of political factors influencing the great level of CEO pay. The controversy heightened with the November 1991 introduction of Graef Crystals (1991) expose on CEO pay, In Search of Excess, and exploded following President George Bushs ill-timed pilgrimage to Japan in January 1992, accompanied by an entourage of highly paid US executives (Murphy, 1999). Conclusion The research aimed to find out the factors that affect chief executive officer salaries and why CEOs are compensated greatly. The data sets namely CEOSAL1.DTA and CEOSAL2.DTA were combined to give a final data set that was used to answer the research question and draw the conclusion that sales, market value ceotenure have a positive effect on CEO salary while company tenure and college / graduation have a negative effect. In our research and data analysis, the most significant factor comes out to be sales. Limitations The data Wooldridge took is from an issue of Busineesweek in 1991 which is quite old. The files need to be updated and it could be very interesting to know the current trend in CEO Compensation and whether the current economic recession had any effects. Due to the current prevalent economic crisis, the findings can be really interesting which could further add some value to the research that has been already done and leave some space for more research to be carried out in this particular topic. An interesting comparison could be made between the factors e.g sales, ros (return on stocks), roe (return on equity), CEOs age, CEO tenure, profits, market value, comten (years with company), etc highlighted in our literature review and our results so that we know which factor plays the most important role and consequently affects chief executive officer salaries when contrasted in relative terms with other studies. The sample size in the data is approximately 200 observations which is not gr eat. The data shows no evidence for the location of firms and the gender of the CEO. It would be a more contemporary question to pose that is there any gender discrimination in CEO Compensation. The policies of the government are also unknown to see if there were any tax evasions present or not. Further Research A further deep research could use the current data to find the factors affecting CEO salaries. Then, the effects of current economic recession could be looked into and a further study could try to find whether CEOs are overpaid and if so what are the reasons for it? Is it truly because of their managerial ability or it is just an executive entrenchment? Then one could also look at the role of monitoring CEOs and their firms. Are these small, medium or family operated firms and what factors affect their growth and output? Is there sex discrimination in CEO compensation? Bibliography Baum, C.F (2006), An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata, Stata Press Bout, A. and Van, P.S. (2008), Beyond the boardroom: considering CEO pay in a broader context, People Strategy Deckop, J.R (1988), Determinants of Chief Executive Officer Compensation, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 41(2), pp. 215-226 Crystal, G. (1991), In Search of Excess: The Overcompensation of American Executives, W.W. Norton Company: New York McKnight, P. (1998), An Explanation of Top Executive Pay: A UK Study, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 34:4 McKnight P., Tomkins C. and Weir C. (2000), CEO Age and Top Executive Pay: A UK Empirical study, Journal of Management and Governance, 4:2000 Morris, C. (2008), Quantitative Approaches in Business Studies, 7th Edition, FT-PrenticeHall Murphy, K. (1999), Executive Compensation, Handbook of Labour Economics, 3(2), pp. 2485-2563 Rose, N.L and Shepard, A. (1997), Firm diversification and CEO compensation: managerial ability or executive entrenchment, Journal of Economics, 28(3), pp. 489-514 Wooldridge, J.M (2008), Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 4th Edition, South-Western Wright, P. ,Kroll M. And Elenkov,D. (2002), Acquisition Returns, Increase in Firm Size, and Chief Executive Officer Compensation: The Moderating Role of Monitoring, The Academy of Management Journal, 45(3), pp. 599-608 (Accessed on 10th February, 2010) (Accessed on 1st March, 2010) (Accessed on 1st March, 2010) (Accessed on 19th March, 2010)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Storm Born Chapter Twelve

I finally worked up the courage to see my mom and Roland a few days later. Tim had left for the day, but he'd apparently baked this morning. A plate of almond poppy seed muffins sat on the kitchen table, and I grabbed two for the road. My ability to think clearly had improved with some rest, but my anger and pain hadn't really faded. I still felt betrayed and not just by Wil. If anything, I could forgive him more easily than anyone else. He had not fostered a years-long secret. His actions had been open and desperate. They had not been so insidious as Kiyo's, my mom's, and Roland's. When I arrived at the house, I didn't bother knocking. The front door was open, and I pushed inside, slamming it loudly behind me. â€Å"Genie?† I heard my mom call. â€Å"Is that you?† I walked across the wood floor, my shoes echoing in the foyer. Mom and Roland sat at the kitchen table, eating lunch. Bread and cold cuts were laid out, along with assorted condiments. It looked so normal. So peaceful and innocent. My mom half-rose when she saw me. â€Å"Thank God you're back safe. I've been so – what's the matter?† I loved these people so much, but seeing them increased my fury, maybe because I did love them so much. For a moment, I couldn't get the words out. I just stared at them, looking from face to face. â€Å"Eugenie?† she asked tentatively. â€Å"Who's my father?† I demanded of her. â€Å"Was I born in the Otherworld?† I saw her go pale, her dark eyes widening in fear. In an instant, Roland was up beside her. â€Å"Eugenie, listen – † The look on his face spoke legions. â€Å"Jesus. It really is true.† I saw him open his mouth to protest, but then he thought better of it. â€Å"How did you find out?† Honesty, at least. â€Å"It's all over the Otherworld. Everyone knows. I'm apparently next in line for world domination.† â€Å"That's not true,† he said. â€Å"Forget about it. You aren't like them.† â€Å"But I am one of them, right? At least half?† â€Å"By blood only. Everything else†¦well, for all intents and purposes, you're human. You have nothing to do with them.† â€Å"Except killing and banishing them. How could you set me up for that†¦if I'm†¦?† One of them, I wanted to finish. But I couldn't get the words out. â€Å"Because you have a talent for it. One we need. You know what they can do.† â€Å"Yes. And you've made sure I do, telling me all the horror stories growing up. But there's a hell of a lot more than that. They're weird, yes, but not all evil.† My mother suddenly joined the conversation, eyes wild and frantic. â€Å"Yes! They are! You don't know what you're talking about. When did you have this revelation? A day ago? A week ago? I lived with them for three years, Eugenie. Three years.† Her voice dropped to a whisper. â€Å"Three years, and I never once encountered a decent one. No one who would help me. No one who would keep me from Tirigan.† â€Å"Who?† â€Å"Storm King,† said Roland. â€Å"That's his name. Was his name.† â€Å"They say you saved her from him.† He nodded. â€Å"I was there chasing down a kelpie when I heard rumors of a captured human woman. I went to investigate and found her and you. You were a baby. I slipped you both out of there and hid you.† â€Å"But Dorian†¦someone I met†¦said Storm King came looking for us.† â€Å"He did. And he found you.† I frowned. From what Dorian had said, I should have been a young teenager then. â€Å"I don't remember that.† Roland nodded again. â€Å"Once close enough, he could reach out and call to you. He summoned you to him. By the time I tracked you down, you were out in the desert, very near a crossroads. You'd walked miles to get to him.† â€Å"I don't remember that,† I repeated. In some ways, what Roland told me now was crazier than what I'd learned at Aeson's. â€Å"His magic spoke to yours. He wanted to take you back with him, and you fought against him. You were struck by lightning in the process.† â€Å"Wait, I know I'd remember that.† â€Å"No. I hypnotized you and repressed it. I killed him, but your magic had still been awakened. After seeing what I'd seen, I was afraid you couldn't control it – that it would control you instead.† â€Å"I don't have any magic. Not gentry magic anyway.† â€Å"Not that you know of. It's hidden away. I made you forget. After that, I started teaching you the craft in the hope of protecting you. I didn't know if others would follow him or if someone else could reawaken you or summon you. I needed to give you the tools you'd need for defense.† He suddenly looked tired. â€Å"I never realized how well you'd take to them.† I felt as tired as he looked, despite all the sleep. I pulled up one of the chairs and sat; they continued to stand. So I had met Storm King. I had answered his summons. And I had been struck by lightning? That was interesting, because in a lot of cultures, shamans are called to their art through some traumatic event. Lightning strikes are actually common ones. Many of the local Indian shamans – already skeptical of the plethora of New Age white shamans – did not consider me authentic since I'd had no such profound initiation. Turns out I had. Score one for me. â€Å"You made me forget. You got inside my head, and you made me forget. All this time†¦both of you have known and never told me.† â€Å"We wanted to protect you,† he said. â€Å"And what then? Did you think I'd never find out?† The heat rose in my voice again. â€Å"I had to hear it from gentry. I would have rather heard it from you.† My mother closed her eyes, and one tear trailed down her cheek. Roland regarded me calmly. â€Å"In hindsight, yes, that would have been better. But we never thought it would actually come out.† â€Å"It's out,† I said bitterly. â€Å"Everyone knows it. And now everyone wants a piece of this prophecy – and of me.† â€Å"What prophecy?† I told them. When I finished, my mother sat down and buried her face in her hands, crying softly. I could hear her murmuring, â€Å"It'll happen to her. It'll happen to her too.† Roland rested a hand on her shoulder. â€Å"Don't put much stock in gentry prophecies. They come out with a new one every day.† â€Å"Doesn't matter, if they believe it. They're still going to come after me.† â€Å"You should stay with us. I'll help protect you.† I stood up, glancing at my mother. No way would I expose her to more gentry. â€Å"No. This is my problem. Besides, don't take this too badly† – I felt myself start to choke up – â€Å"but I don't really want to see you guys for a while. I guess you meant well, but†¦I need to†¦I don't know. I need to think.† â€Å"Eugenie – † I saw raw pain on his face. My mom's sobs grew louder. I stood up, averting my eyes from both of them. Suddenly, I couldn't stay here anymore. â€Å"I've got to go.† Roland was still calling after me when I practically ran out of the house. But I needed to get away, or I'd say something stupid. I didn't want to hurt them, even though I probably had. But they'd hurt me too, and we all needed to deal with that. While opening my car door, I looked up and saw a red fox watching me from the same spot as last time. I strode toward him, close but not too close. â€Å"Go away!† I shouted. He stared at me, unmoving. â€Å"I mean it. I'm not speaking to you. You're as bad as the rest of them.† He lay down, resting his chin on crossed paws while he continued to regard me solemnly. â€Å"I don't care how cute you are, okay? I'm through with you.† A woman working in her yard next door gave me an uneasy look. I turned my back on the fox, got in the car, and drove home. Yet, as I did, I couldn't help but feel relieved Kiyo had survived. I honestly hadn't known if he would. Strong and vicious he might be, but Aeson had been slinging fire at him. The question was, had Kiyo merely escaped? Or had he managed to kill the king? What had happened to Jasmine? Tim still wasn't back when I got home. I decided then I didn't want to leave my house that day or make any pretense of productivity. I wanted to hit the sauna, put on pajamas, and then watch bad TV while eating Milky Ways. It seemed like a pretty solid plan, and I set out to make it happen. Twenty minutes later, I sat immersed in hot steam, draped in humidity. Heat was great for loosening muscles, although that only made me realize how much I'd hurt them. At least I'd made it out alive. That was the real miracle, considering what a disaster last night had turned into. I didn't want to think much about it or about Mom and Roland, but it was hard not to. Part of me still believed – still hoped – that all of this was a mistake. After all, wasn't it just everyone's say-so? Of course, somehow I doubted my parents would make all that up. But really. Where was the DNA test? The photographic evidence? I had nothing tangible. Nothing I could see and believe. Except my own memories. The memories Roland had covered up for me. Hypnotism wasn't uncommon in our line of work. It was just another state of unconsciousness. Shamans who served as religious leaders and healers used similar techniques on their followers and patients to heal the body and mind. Roland and I, as â€Å"freelance shamans,† didn't really have much need for it. Our contact with the spirit world often became more physical and direct. But I had done some healings and soul retrievals, so I knew the basics. Leaning my head against the wall, I closed my eyes and thought about the tattoo of Selene on my back. She was my earthly connection, the grounding of my body and soul and mind in this world. I focused on her image and what she represented and then slowly altered my state of mind. Rather than slipping out to another plane, I crossed inward, back into the far reaches of myself and the parts of me buried in my unconscious. It probably didn't take long, but in that state, it was painstakingly slow. I browsed through pieces of me, both memories and hidden truths alike. All the things that made me Eugenie Markham. I concentrated on lightning, hoping it would snag my attention. Surely a lightning strike couldn't be buried forever. There. A faint tug. I dove in after it, trying to grasp it and the memory it linked to. It was difficult. The image was slippery, like trying to hold on to a fish. Each time I thought I had it, it wriggled away. Roland had done a good job. Steeling myself, I fought against the layers, clawing and fighting until – I woke up in bed. But it wasn't the bed in my house. It was a different bed, a smaller bed covered in a pink comforter. The bed of my childhood. I lay in it, staring up at a ceiling covered in plastic stars just like the one I had as an adult. It was the middle of the night, and I couldn't sleep. I'd been an insomniac then, just as now. This time, however, it was different. Something other than my churning mind was keeping me awake. Somewhere, outside, I could hear a voice calling me. No, not a voice exactly, but it was a pull. A pull I couldn't shut out. Climbing out of bed, I slipped my feet into dirty sneakers and put a light jacket on over my pajamas. In the hallway, the door to Mom and Roland's room was closed. I moved past as quietly as possible, down the stairs and then out the door. Outside, the air was still warm. It was high summer. Earlier temperatures had been in the 100s; even now, they had dropped only to the 80s. I walked down the quiet street of our neighborhood, past all the familiar cars and houses. With each step, the call grew louder. I followed, my feet moving on their own. The call led me away from our street, our subdivision, and even the small suburb we lived in. I traveled off of main roads, moving onto trails I'd never known existed. Then, after almost two hours, I stopped. I didn't know where I was. The desert, obviously, because that and the mountains were all that surrounded Tucson. The foothills were larger than at home, so I must have gone north. Otherwise, there were no distinguishing features. Prickly pears and saguaros spread out around me in quiet watchfulness. Suddenly, I felt the air around me charge. There was a presence with me. A person. I turned and saw a man standing and watching me, far taller than my twelve-year-old self. His features were indistinct; I could not make them out no matter how hard I tried. He was only a dark shape, crackling with power. â€Å"Eugenie†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I took three steps back, but he held his hand out to me. â€Å"Eugenie†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I shook off the thrall that had brought me out here. Desperately, I realized I had to get away as quickly as I could. But I no longer knew the way back. The trails I'd followed were a blur. So, I backed up farther, but he kept coming, beckoning to me. My feet stumbled, and I fell. Still facing him, I tried to get up, but he stood over me now. In his indistinct features, I could make out a crown on his head, glittering silver and purple. â€Å"Come,† he said, extending his arm to help me up. â€Å"It's time to go.† I was trapped. Helpless and trapped and out of options. I had never felt so desperate in my young life. It terrified me. I decided then and there that if I survived this, I would make sure I could never be helpless again. His hand touched my shoulder, and I screamed. As I did, some part of me reached out beyond my body and grasped the power lying around us – I blinked. Steam swirled around me in the sauna, and I felt lightheaded. I'd been in there too long; it was a wonder I hadn't passed out. Standing up, I had to grip the wall for support and close my eyes. My heart raced from the vision, the vision that finally convinced me all of this was true. I knew – knew with absolute certainty – that the dark man had been Storm King, my father. I could feel it within me. In my soul. Overcome, I sat back down, needing a few more moments to consider all this and get my bearings. Yet, the longer I sat there, the more I began to despair. Storm King really was my father. And as for the rest of my life†¦well, things were bad. And they were only going to get worse. Every horny gentry wanted to knock me up; the rest probably still wanted to kill me. I'd never have a moment of peace again. Minutes passed as I ruminated on all this, falling deeper and deeper into depression – as well as exhaustion. I felt fatigued, too apathetic to care about any of it now. What was the point? I had snubbed my parents today. I'd let Jasmine Delaney down. I had nothing to look forward to ever again except a life of fighting and running. And really, why should I even bother fighting anymore? Nothing mattered. It was hopeless. I should just cross over to the Otherworld and give myself up. At least it'd stop the agony of – I opened my eyes and sat bolt upright. What was wrong with me? Things were grim, but this†¦this wasn't natural. I blinked rapidly, trying to gain focus as I took deep breaths. There it was. I could feel it. A thick, unseen darkness wrapping itself around me. It touched me, crawling along my skin. It was trying to drag me down, to suck away all of my energy. All of my hope. Standing up, no longer dizzy, I pulled my robe off its hook and put it on. Slowly, I opened the door of the sauna and stuck my head out. I saw nothing too disconcerting, but that bleak feeling continued to swirl around me. The light almost seemed dimmer, darker than it should be for late afternoon. I squinted, trying to break the illusion, for that's what it was. Stepping completely out of the sauna, I tried to assess the source. The sauna was in the center of my house. Turn left to go to the kitchen and living room, right toward the bathroom and bedrooms. My weapons were in my bedroom; that was where I wanted to be. But if the thing was in the front of the house, I didn't want to turn my back on it. At last, I compromised by putting my back up to the hall's wall and sliding down it toward my bedroom. The distance wasn't far, but when you had to inch your way there, it felt like miles. Creeping, I passed Tim's closed bedroom door, grateful he wasn't here. He knew about my shamanic adventures, but that didn't mean I wanted him exposed to them. Next came the bathroom. Yeah, the only bathroom. The thing about cute little houses was the â€Å"little† part. I loved everything else about this place, but next time, I'd make sure my house had at least as many bathrooms as occupants. Tim and I had gotten into some nasty rumbles when – A hand reached out for me from within the dark bathroom, but I saw it coming out of my periphery. I ducked and slid across the hall as he lumbered out. A Gray Man. That had been one of my top three culprits for the negativity zone my house had become. Gray Men cast an aura of despair around them, feeding off physical energy and positive feelings. This one was, well, gray, of course. Other than that, he looked more or less human-shaped, with dark eyes and scraggly white hair. He was even dressed, which I took as a plus since other monsters and sometimes elemental gentry often came over in loincloths or nothing at all, depending on their strength. Considering what everyone wanted to do to me, I was pretty happy about keeping genitalia covered up. I tried to scramble toward my bedroom, but his long arm reached out and grabbed me by the hair. I yelled out as he dragged me toward him, pressing me to his body. At least he didn't say anything suggestive; Gray Men were apparently strong, silent types. But the way he grappled with my robe left little to the imagination about what he wanted to do. Struggling in his strong grasp, I tried to break free but mostly managed to loosen my robe more. Swearing, I decided if I couldn't get away, then I'd at least delay his amorous actions. My knee jutted up in one hard motion, hitting him in the groin. His hold on me loosened, and he groaned as one hand instinctively reached down between his legs. I broke away from him, still trying to make for my bedroom. Deciding he could ignore the pain, he lunged toward me, just stopping me from getting to my bedroom doorway. Gripping me by both shoulders, he shoved me up against the wall so that I faced it. Using that hard surface as a constraint, he held me with one arm against it while his other finished pulling off the robe. I felt his tongue lick my neck, but the truly disgusting nature of that couldn't really permeate me. I was in survival mode now. I struggled against him, hoping to make it difficult for him to get his own pants off. Being pinned liked this gave me fewer options for escape. Moving my hands against the wall, I groped around for something – anything – I could use as a weapon. Then my fingers brushed over a small decorative mirror that had been my grandmother's. It wasn't very big, but its frame was shaped like a sun – with sharp, pointed metal rays. Not only that, they were silver rays. Grabbing it from the wall, I held it in my left hand, not my dominant hand, but the hand I wore my amethyst ring on. The amethyst could cut through magic and glamour and also focus my own intentions. It wasn't as good as a wand, but it had to do. Concentrating on the stone, I let my will pour into it. The stone amplified my energy and then sent it into the silver frame. In as fluid a motion as I could manage in my confined state, I swung the mirror back, driving it into any flesh I could find. The Gray Man screamed, and I smelled something burning. He released me, and I turned around, not wasting any time, though I uneasily realized I'd dumped more energy into that silver than I should have been capable of. The mirror had stuck in his side and was smoking. It wouldn't kill him, but having it lodged in there was pretty serious. He reached out toward it with hesitant fingers, knowing he had to touch it to pull it out. I sprinted to my bedroom. He was only seconds behind me, but it was all I needed to arm myself in my bedroom. He came running in after me, but this time I was on the offensive. I used the silver athame to draw the death symbol on his chest, eliciting a tortured scream from him. Iron was the bane of gentry, but for whatever other reasons, silver hurt anything else Otherworldly. I didn't know why, but I didn't question it either. Especially when it had just proven so handy. Hurt or no, he pushed me backward. I landed on my bed, head hitting with a crack against the wall. It slowed me, but I had already started connecting beyond this world. I reached out, touched the world of death, and sent that connection through the wand. It leapt out at the Gray Man, sucking him in. He fought it, thrashing as though physical action might fight the pull. It couldn't. A moment later, he vanished. Almost immediately, the spell of despair in my house disappeared. It was like emerging from underwater. I could breathe again. I let my body slump and relax. I wanted to lean my head against the wall but knew that wouldn't feel too good after the hard blow I'd just sustained. A loud sound cracked out from the front of my house, like the door being kicked open. I jerked up, adrenaline going a second round as I heard footsteps pounding down the hall. I was reaching for the gun when a familiar voice yelled, â€Å"Eugenie?† Relaxing – only slightly – I watched as Kiyo burst into my room.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Tim Burton’s Movie Expertise

Tim Burtons use of deferent movie techniques made one of the best directors existing. H made many movies, all very popular by his fans. His work Is considered to be some of the best, bringing Gothic humor and dark, but innocent tones to the audience. His works with Gothic fantasy, a genre almost never used in the past, is common in his movies. Some of his most popular gothic fantasy movies are Edward Chardonnays and the Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burtons use with in techniques with camera shots mostly made him famous. There are many examples to this.He used a variety of long shots, close-ups, and medium shots. A movie where I find the most of these angles used was Edward Chardonnays. In a scene In Edwards dark castle home, Peg, was trying to sell make- up products. She went up the hill, with Ion-shots establishing the setting in the scene. She drove up the dark trail up the hill, passing dead trees and a quiet, but leer area. She went up to the castle door, having a close-up to see the Intensity and emotion of her fear as she went Inside. She knocked on the door, but no one responded.She entered in herself, a long shot showing her walk into the castle uninvited. Peg went up a winding stairs, a medium shot following behind her, wowing from up her waist. On the empty CD floor, a long shot showed her walk over to a bed made of straw, with photos hanging by It. A close up on her face revealed her emotions as she examined the pictures. For the audience, the scene was predicting something, building up an event. Behind her, a medium shot showed the front of Peg, with a shadow moving in the back of the room, making a snipping sound.Peg looked behind her, as the flexure walked out of the shadow. She seems horrified, a close up looking at her face. A medium shot showed the figure to be Edward Chardonnays. A close up shot showed Edwards emotions, fear. He stood stiffly in front of her, the camera tracking both of them in a medium shot. Peg walked up to him, asking wh ere his parent's are. He responded with a close-up, â€Å"He never woke up. † Tim Burtons use of lighting is very extensive along with expert camera angles. Lighting was heavily used to emphasize the Joy and happiness of shots In Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.This was the key to the most Important establishing shot, the candy meadow. As the children and Wily Wonk walked through a dark, bland hallway, the lighting was from the back of the scene, where they came from. They mound a small door, and Wily Wonk crouched down, unlocking it. Light shown through the door as he opened It, revealing a large candy meadow, with a flowing chocolate waterfall and river. The children†s and parent's faces ere surprised, a high- key lighting the shot of the meadow.The camera moved, browsing through the many plants that were made of candy. The colors and lighting were bright, showing happiness and the Joy of the scene. Wily Wonk grinned, extending his arms to emphasize the scene's wond er. He let the children and adults go, as they browsed through the bright area for the candy. Another example would be from Edward 1 OFF Scissoring, where Peg brought Edward none in near car, driving by a ass's looking neighborhood. High-key lighting emphasized the bright grass, showing peacefulness and innocence.Children played on the lawns, while Edward watched the area with a mix of fear, wonder, and Joy. They passed bright colored houses, ranging from green to bright blue. Tim Burtons use of sound is another fan favorite of the director. The orchestra music ranges from Joy to fear, to being surprised. Dietetic sound includes eerie creaks, and other techniques for creating a mood for the audience to the movie. In the Charlie and the Chocolate factory, music and dietetic sound was used to display emotion in the shot and convey the message given to the audience watching the movie.In the candy meadow, a loud orchestra playing wondrous, beautiful music played non- didactically to set mood for the shot. As the character's moved around, they could could listen and hear dietetic music, like the chocolate waterfall, or the wind rustling the edible grass and trees. In Edward Chardonnays, non-dietetic music was used in the scene where Peg finds Edward. It was slow, and curious. When they both were riving to pegs home, it change dint a fast, more Joyful sound for the audience.Tim Burtons expert use of lighting, camera angles, and sound made his movies what they are now. Starting in the sass's his quality stayed the same, if not increasing over time. Even to his new releases such as Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. His audience grows eve large, as he spreads his techniques to new forms of film. In his most recent work, he directed the music video â€Å"Bones† by the British alternative rock band The Killers. Along with this, he found a student's short animated movie, turning it into a full-length feature film, called â€Å"Nine. â€Å"

Friday, November 8, 2019

Stress and depression Essays

Stress and depression Essays Stress and depression Essay Stress and depression Essay Adolescence is a time of emotional pandemonium, and behavioral experimentation. It is the time of heightened sensitivity and upheaval. It is when a human personality is most affected by its surroundings. Social stressors like problems at home and school adversely manipulate the young minds and are the prime causes of depression. The teenager who exhibits negative personality changes necessitates due cognizance before it is ruined completely. This research focuses on root causes of stress and depression in adolescents and how it affects their schooling. The paper will also suggest ways and means to handle stress and depression in teenagers.IntroductionIn America today, around 18 million people are depressed. Over 2 million of these are adolescents (Watkins, 2004). In most cases, depression is caused by stress. Majors stressors in a teenager’s life extend from home to the school environment. Many children are confronted with family conflicts besides constant changes in schools, neighborhoods and child care arrangements. Sometimes violence in homes or communities cause great deal of stress in a youngster’s life. The impact of all these stressor depends on childs level of maturity. A very young child who is under constant supervision at home and at school, may get least affected. However, when a child enters in the age of adolescence, the personality starts getting most affected by the stressors present around him/her.Whatever the cause of depression in an adolescent’s life, it can result in isolation, poor education results, violence, and even suicide. The high percentage of this illness in adolescents reflects severity of the situation which has rung bells in concerned quarters. This research paper aims at highlighting symptoms and causes of stress and depression in adolescents, scrutinizing its impact while obtaining education. The paper will make suitable suggestions as to how to deal with the issue specially at school level. The research is based on relevant statistic collected from various sources and focuses on reports of medical and psychiatric professionals.Stress and Depression in AdolescentsAmerican Heritage Dictionary defines stress as a state of extreme difficulty, pressure, or strain’. It is a mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition usually leading to a state of depression. The term depression usually means a functional impairment or in other words, patients of depression are physically and mentally handicapped to carry out their everyday lifes activities in normal fashion (Sharry, 2004, p. 2). Depression, in psychiatry is a symptom of mood disorder characterized by intense feelings of loss, sadness, hopelessness, failure, and rejection (Colombia University Press). Depression also known as clinical depression is currently the leading cause of disability in the US as well as other countries, and is expected to become the second leading cause of disability worldwide (after heart disease) by the year 2020 (Murray Lopez, 1997, P. 1498).In US, childhood and adolescent depression has increased considerably in the past fifty years. Besides causing behavioral and emotional turbulences in adolescents’ life, this can affect their physical health as well. Asthma, hay fever, migraine headache and gastrointestinal illnesses like colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and peptic ulcer can be exacerbated by stressful situations (Hac k, 2001). An analytical study established that the comparative ratio of depression found in girls is much more than in boys. During childhood the number of boys and girls affected are almost equal. In adolescence, twice as many girls as boys are diagnosed (Watkins, 2004). Effects of stress and depression may initially seem minute but repeated episodes of depression can affect a young mind to a great extent.Symptoms of Stress and Depression in AdolescentsSymptoms of stress and depression in adolescents can be identified easily. Constant sadness, sleep disturbances, lack of motivation, lowered energy levels, loss of concentration and slowed thinking is reflected by missed classes and poor grades. Boredom may be a synonym for feeling depressed. Loss of appetite may become anorexia or bulimia. Adolescent depression may portray an alcohol or drug abuse and rebellion with no obvious reasons (Blackman, 1995).Symptoms of adolescent stress and depression are somewhat similar to those of adul t depression. Sometimes one can also see irritability and suicidal talk. The parents would usually complain that the adolescent hates himself and everything else (Watkins, 2004). Depressed young people often find school very difficult and are reluctant to attend. They often suffer anxiety that stems from their depression, manifesting itself in physical symptoms on school mornings that ease off as the day progresses. These symptoms may include nausea, stomach pains, fatigue and weakness (Sharry, 2004, p. 107).Stress is a major cause of depression. In order to identify symptoms of depression, we should be familiar with the symptoms of stress as well. In adolescents, symptoms of stress can be divided into following categories (Molgaard, 1996):1) Physical Symptoms: Headaces, stomach aches, vomiting.2) Emotional Symptoms: Fear, irritability, sadness.3) Behavioral Symptoms: Crying, nervous tics, losing temper.4) Interpersonal Relationship: Withdrawing, teasing or bullying, extreme shyness .Causes of Stress and Depression in AdolescentsThe more it is easier to identify the depression through symptoms, the more it is difficult to establish its causes. It can be heredity or an environmental issue. Inconsistent parenting could be one cause, and stressful life experiences can be another. Various people cite different reasons for early life depression. When depressed adults are asked about their childhood experiences, they report neglect, abuse, rejection and parental conflict as major causes (Watkins, 2004). There can be no single reason for depression in adolescents. Most of the time, it will a combination of various triggers. And more the number of causes, worst is the outcome.An in-depth study reveal that causes of stress and depression more or less can be attributed to many different kinds of experiences, from early childhood to later life. These experiences would usually include a violent family environment, abused or neglected childhood, death of a loved one, extrem e stress caused by a serious financial problem or an unhealthy social condition such as poverty or homelessness. Some other causes which are beyond anyone’s control like chronic illness, side effects of medications, hormonal changes that affect mood (such as the onset or end of menstruation) and genetic causes also contribute to stress and depression in adolescents.There are a few lifestyle factors that may cause depression themselves or add to already prevailing illness. Adolescents would always find time running out of their hands. They would usually cut their sleep time to complete their overwhelming ambitions. Lack of sufficient sleep in teenagers is being considered one of the major causes leading to stressful scenarios, and ultimately resulting into depression. Other lifestyle factors contributing to depression include isolation, poor diet, excess caffeine or sugar, lack of exercise, and lack of fun and recreation.Impacts of Stress and Depression in Adolescents while Ob taining EducationImpact of stress and depression in adolescents is directly proportionate to the causes of the illness. Depressed adolescents however would invariably be less energetic, least motivated, slow and less productive. Depression will take away their decisiveness and they would be uncertain most of time and will make more mistakes. At home, they will restrict themselves to their rooms and take least interest in family affairs. Stress and depression affects emotions to a greater extent. Depressed adolescents will be unable to demonstrate affection for loved ones. They would like to live in isolation and avoid social gatherings.Depression is closely associated with interpersonal relationships at homes and at schools. It is one major cause in manifestation of suicidal behavior, violent thoughts, alcohol, early pregnancy, tobacco and drug abuse. Since 1950, the adolescent suicide rate has risen four times. According to one estimates, 12% of the total adolescent mortality in 19 93 was due to suicide (Watkins, 2004). Adolescents suffering from depression and associated emotional disorders are often alienated at school. Their sense of insecurity and lack of will power to meet the requirements of daily life force them to the state of regression and repression. More sever the sickness, the greater the impact on attaining education. Major reprisals of stress and depression in schooling of an adolescent are enumerated below:1) Poor grades due to lack of interest, and lack of concentration.2) School drop outs due to constantly deteriorating performance.3) No social activities, and lack of participation in sports or any other extra-curricular activity due to lack of energy and lack of will power.4) Victims of abuse due to lack of friends/social circle.5) Isolation/seclusion due to lack of confidence.6) Reshaping of personality into pessimistic, choleric, and melancholic shades.7) High risk of indulgence in serious acts of violence against others and themselves. Th e violent activities in schools have gone much beyond alarming stage. Various prominent health organizations like American Psychological Association, National Association of School Psychologists and National School Safety Center are making all out efforts to identify and predict potential perpetrators. Recent studies have concluded that depression has been the major factor responsible for instigating students for engaging in acts of violence at schools and elsewhere. Among the ten student perpetrators identified in school shooting incidents occurring between 1996 and 1999, eight had a clear history of depression (Verlinden, Hersen, and Thomas, 2000). According to the data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of youth suicide has tripled over the last 50 years and is now the third leading cause of death for 10- to 24-year-olds. More teens and young adults die of suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease combined (CDC, 2003). Clearly, youth depression and suicide are important issues for school personnel to consider as they strive to address both the educational and mental health needs of students.Modus Operandi to Handle Stress and Depression in AdolescentsStress and depression are curable. The treatment will however depend on the level of severity. The nature and the cause of the disease will dictate its treatment. Some patients may only require counseling and some may necessitate serious medical help. The major problem is to make the patient talk about his/her illness. Adolescents generally avoid such topics of discussion with parents. Adolescent boys find it particularly difficult to talk about their feelings especially at homes (Sharry, 2004, p. 63). Depression and the accompanying threat of suicide are very serious mental health issues and schools have an important role to play in addressing both the educational and mental health needs of all students . When dealing with such illness, role of the schools expands much beyond education to prevention and treatment of the problem. School is the best place, where an adolescent can be confronted and lured in to talk about the problem.Schools should educate teachers, students, families, and the larger community about depression, its causes, treatment, and management. In one study (Curry, 2001), symptoms of depression were minimized in students who participated with their families in school-based sessions designed to enhance communication, problem-solving skills, and awareness of the effects of depression on the entire family system.From a prevention focus, it is important that teachers and guidance counselors have an adequate understanding of childhood depression, its symptoms, and warning signs associated with child and adolescent suicide. School personnel can recognize early signs of depression in a child. They can assist the families in seeking appropriate mental health services. Sch ools also play an important role by contributing to the quality of life of all students. Schools can increase students’ feelings of accomplishment and expectations for future success.An effective way to handle stress and depression in schools is to make a system which should be able to first identify the problem. The problem with adolescents can be identified through examining the results, behavior, and activities of under observation cases. After having identified the adolescents with symptoms of depression, causes of the problem need to be established. For this purpose counseling sessions with the affected students and interviews with the parents can help to a great extent. Then is the stage of treatment. There are two main avenues to treatment: psychotherapy and medication. Often, both may be required. The majority of mild depressions in teenagers respond to supportive psychotherapy with active listening, advice and encouragement. Relevant agencies can be contacted when de aling with issues of alcohol and substance abuse. Formal family therapy may be required to deal with specific problems or issues. Some serious situations where there is an immediate risk of self-neglect or suicide may necessitate the level of supervision and care that can be provided only in the hospitals (Skapinakis, 2003).ConclusionDepression does not affect the patients alone, but it puts an impact on the life of everyone around them, too. Someone who is depressed can be very difficult and draining to deal with. The problem is aggravated when it comes to the cases involving children and adolescent. Depression in adolescents is greatly under diagnosed, leading to serious difficulties in school, work and personal adjustment which often continue into adulthood. The suicide rate for adolescents has increased more than 200% over the last decade. Recent studies have shown that greater than 20% of adolescents in the general population have emotional problems and one-third of adolescents attending psychiatric clinics suffer from depression (Blackman, 1995). Among those adolescents who suffer from major depression, up to 7% eventually commit suicide (Cash, 2001).Stress and depression influence every facet of patient’s life. Education is the most affected of all. Schools play an important role by providing a supportive and nurturing climate for student development. By celebrating the accomplishments and successes of all students, schools can contribute to the development of positive self-esteem. Schools can develop a system which automatically identifies the students suffering from depression and then make all out efforts to eradicate this menace from the young minds that bear the future of our nation.BibliographyBlackman, Maurice. (1995). Adolescent Depression. The Canadian Journal of CME. Retrieved January 26, 2006, from, R. E. (2001). Depression in children and adolescents: Information for families and educators. Soci al/Emotional Development. Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists. Retrieved April, 21, 2003, from for Disease Control and Prevention. (2003, April). Suicide in the United States. Washington, DC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Control and Prevention. Retrieved April, 21, 2003, from, J. F. (2001). Specific psychotherapies for childhood and adolescent depression. Biological Psychiatry, 49(12), 1091–1100.Depression. (n.d.). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Retrieved January 26, 2006, from Web site:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Definition and Examples of Person in English Grammar

Definition and Examples of Person in English Grammar In English grammar, the category of person  identifies the relationship between a subject and its verb, showing whether the subject is speaking about itself (first personI or we); being spoken to (second personyou); or being spoken about (third personhe, she, it, or they). Also called grammatical person. Personal pronouns are so called because they are the pronouns to which the grammatical system of person applies. Reflexive pronouns, intensive pronouns, and possessive determiners also show distinctions in person. Examples and Observations A widely attested type of verbal inflection in human language involves persona category that typically distinguishes among the first person (the speaker), the second person (the addressee), and the third person (anyone else). In many languages, the verb is marked for both person and number (singular or plural) of the subject. When one category is inflected for properties (such as person and number) of another, the first category is said to agree with the second. . . .Modern English has a [comparatively] impoverished system of person and number agreement in the verb, and an inflectional affix is used only for the third person singular in the non-past tense.  (William OGrady, et al. Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. Bedford, 2001)I amYou areWe are Australian.(B. Woodley and D. Newton, I Am Australian)I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.(John Lennon and Paul McCartney, I Am the Walrus) The Three Persons in English (present tense) First person I see great things in baseball.(Walt Whitman)We see things as we are.(Leo Rosten) Second person You see things, and you say Why?(George Bernard Shaw) Third person She sees more hospices and sink estates than most people.(Prince Andrew)The traveler sees what he sees; the tourist sees what he has come to see.(G.K. Chesterton)[M]urder is always a mistake. One should never do anything that one cannot talk about after dinner.(Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1890)Love is not blind: it sees more, not less.(Julius Gordon)They see me as some sort of pathetic character.(Mike Tyson) The Forms of Be Be is unique among English verbs in having three distinctive person forms in the present tense (am, is, are) and two in the past tense (was, were). Other verbs have a distinctive form only for the third person singular of the present tense (e.g., has, does, wants, etc., as opposed to have, do, want, etc.). (Bas Aarts, Sylvia Chalker, and Edmund Weiner, The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2014) Etymology From the Latin persona, mask

Sunday, November 3, 2019

-19 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

-19 - Coursework Example Juveniles are under the influence of their parents/guardians and the environment around them. They are not mature enough to differentiate between right and wrong and so, become a victim of what they acquire from their surroundings. So, rather than punishing them, it is wiser to provide them an environment where they can be shaped to become better citizens, hence the benevolence and rehabilitation centers. Punishing juveniles would give the juveniles a criminal tag which would be hard to remove. They would consider themselves as criminals and live a life based on it. The courts objective of making the society crime-free is better achieved by making juveniles responsible citizens of the state by providing them an environment where it would get easier for them to refrain from criminal activities. The most disagreeable difference between juvenile and adult court is denying juveniles the right to jury trials. This practice gives the judge the sole power to pass-on a decision. The judge enjoys extraordinary independence in reaching a decision as he/she does not have to take into account the views of the jury, as none exists. The chance of giving a wrong decision increases as human negligence and error are more likely to occur as decisions are made by one single person who is not assisted by the jury. Moreover, having a jury in place would show the juvenile the concern the society has for him. This would help him in realizing his responsibilities towards the society. To improve this difference, a jury trial should be mandatory for juvenile cases, not just their constitutional right. Not only would it benefit the accused, but it would also help the society in understanding the problems facing juveniles. Collectively, the society can come up with provisions to eradicate these problems. The Supreme Court decision in Re Gault drastically changed the juvenile courts. Do you agree with the decision and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sustainability - Essay Example The condition of the planet as well as its ecosystems is wholly depended upon the present as well as the past human activity. This is determined by the interplay of three factors namely the economic, political and social (Hak & Et.Al, â€Å"Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment†). There seems to be substantial debate over the term ‘sustainability’. Some defines it as a contested and complex concept, however for others; it can be defined as the capacity of something that can be continued for a long period of time. Issues Important for Urban Land Use Economic Sustainability The point worth noticing is that none of the economic systems can be sustainable until and unless it ‘accommodates’ the ecosystem in which it depends. The current system that is based on the notion of continuous economic expansion on planet seems to be damaged. Therefore, there is requirement of applying human creativity to the goals which is to use the natural resources in a productive and efficient manner in order to meet their needs. This goal can be considered as being completely dissimilar from ‘exploiting natures’ and the Third World people. ... The most important consideration in regards to the ecological sustainability is that it needs to be pursued for the human as well as for the species which are around 10-12 million on the planet (Sutton, â€Å"Ecological Sustainability†). To make the concept simpler, the term ecological sustainability can be interpreted as any activity that takes place on earth has to generally continue forever. Ecological sustainability can only be achieved if the activity does not destroy any resources through which the activity actually takes place. There isn’t requirement of inventing the sustainable environment from scratch since it can be modeled by the human in order to simulate natural eco-system. It can be revealed that there are key principles which need to be adhered to for achieving the ecological sustainability. The most important point to keep in mind is that there is requirement of changing the habit of using the resources as if they are infinite by the society. Moreover, greenhouse gas emission needs to be minimized to a greater extent and also there is requirement for some kind of new and improved economic ways that would be based upon the clean, glass technology (Carrie & Danielle, â€Å"General†). Social Sustainability The term social sustainability has a wider implication upon the lives and health of the people of the society. It tends to deal with the complex issues, for instance health, equity, social inclusion and livability. If the community is to be sustainable and function properly then in that case the basic needs of its resident have to be met. A good sustainable community is the one that has the ability to maintain and build on its own resources. On the other hand, it